Posts in bible reading
Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 18

Read: Genesis 18

Genesis 18 can be divided into two sections. The first (18:1-21) is the account of the visit from three men in which they restate the covenant promise of God to Abram. There have been a few interpretations as to the origin of the men. Are they angels? Is it a manifestation of the Trinity? The more likely reading is that they were divine, but not members of the Godhead though 18:3 reports that Abram called one of them "Lord." The Hebrew is very specific here, using the common OT name for God (Adonai). If that rendering is correct, then it is possible that one of the members was God himself. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that Abram viewed these men with great respect.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 17

 Chapter 17 is Matthew’s account of the Transfiguration narrative. Though this event has been often misunderstood, it is a significant moment in the life of the Savior. The parallels between the Sinai narrative (beginning with Ex. 19) and the events that occur on this mountain are striking. Jesus meets with Elijah and Moses. They enter into a discussion that centers around the Savior’s “departure” (the Greek word used in Luke 9:31 is exodon, meaning “departure.).

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 17

Read: Genesis 17

Genesis 17 is another crucial chapter in the Genesis narrative. In this chapter, God instructs Abram regarding the covenant sign of circumcision. That sign was to be placed on all the male children (and in Abram’s case, his servants) as a mark of God’s promise and identification of Abram’s seed as being a part of the visible covenant of God with his people. Ishmael received the sign, though he ultimately rejected the promises attached to it. Later, Isaac would also receive the sign of the covenant, and through his seed, the godly line would continue.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 16

Read: Matthew 16

 The critical section of Matthew 16 is when Peter confesses Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. In this section, we are reminded of the church's ongoing mission. Jesus tells Peter that the gates of hell will never prevail against the church (16:18). So often, that verse is read defensively in that the fury of the evil one will not overrun the church

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 16

Read: Genesis 16

Genesis 16 contains the narrative account of Abram’s failure with Hagar. In the previous chapter, we saw God’s covenant promise that Abram would have an heir of his line. That future son would carry the covenant promise of Gen. 12 forward with his line being as the sands of the seashore and the stars of the sky. Despite Abram’s faith, he faltered and sought to bring to pass the promise through his efforts.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 15

Read: Matthew 15

Matthew 15 continues the work of the Savior coupled with his teachings. In this chapter, Jesus heals the Canaanite woman and feeds the five thousand. The focus for today is on 15:1-20. The issue of defilement is before the Savior after the Pharisees, and scribes accuse him and his disciples. Jesus rebukes them because they say the right things but do not honor God with their heart. There are many in the church, like those men. They say what is right. They know many things. However, their hearts are far from the Lord. Jesus points out that it is not what comes from outside that defiles a person, but only that which comes from within the sin-filled heart of man.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 15

Read: Genesis 15

Genesis 15 is divided into two sections. The first section is about Abram's concern regarding being childless. God promised that he would be a great nation in chapter twelve, but he remains childless. In this section, God reiterates what he told him and promises that his seed would be like heaven's stars and the seashore's sands.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 14

Read: Matthew 14 

Matthew 14 contains the narrative account of the death of John the Baptist, the miracle of Jesus walking on water, and other healing performed by the Savior. The significant section is the events leading to the death of the prophet John. In chapter eleven, he was in prison. This chapter gives us the details as to why he was there. John, faithful to the law of God, warns Herod that "it is not lawful for you to have her," referring to Herod's taking of his brother's wife as his own.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 14

Read: Genesis 14

Genesis 14 has two major sections. The first (14:1-16) details Abram's battle with the five kings. In this battle, Abram rescues his nephew, Lot. The odds are overwhelming, of course. These five kings have just conquered many Canaanites. Yet, with his small army, Abram seeks to rescue his nephew. In no small way, this is a lesson of kindness. In the previous chapter, we saw how Lot took the best of the land and left his uncle with the leftovers. It would have been natural for Abram to ignore his nephew, allowing him to be harmed or killed by the forces of evil, and then assume the lands vacated as a result.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 13

Read: Matthew 13

Matthew 13 begins the section known as “The Kingdom Parables.” Parables are usually fictional stories designed to make one central point or highlight one main theme. They are designed to hide the truth from the unbelieving and demonstrate it to the elect. Unfortunately, parables have been badly abused in Christian literature, making them say many things they were not designed to communicate. Therefore, it is essential to interpret them to understand them as offered by Christ correctly.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 13

The chapter before us today may appear to be relatively insignificant in the Genesis narrative. Still, it does point to at least one central theme of the Bible: the choices of men do not alter the purpose and promises of God. That theme is demonstrated in the narrative of this chapter when Abram and Lot disagree, and they agree to separate. Abram magnanimously offers Lot the first choice of the land. Lot chooses the best, leaving Abram with what remains. Yet, despite this difficulty and its result, God promises that he and his descendants will inherit the entirety of the land as promised by God.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 12

Read: Matthew 12

Matthew Twelve takes up matters related to the Sabbath, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and the one I want to focus on today: Fruit proves the root (12:33-37). Many in the church today know much about the Christian faith, theology, etc. They have made credible professions of faith. They are in attendance each Lord’s Day. Yet, there is no fruit, no growth.

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