Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 13

Read: Genesis 13

The chapter before us today may appear to be relatively insignificant in the Genesis narrative. Still, it does point to at least one central theme of the Bible: the choices of men do not alter the purpose and promises of God. That theme is demonstrated in the narrative of this chapter when Abram and Lot disagree and agree to separate. Abram magnanimously offers Lot the first choice of the land. Lot chooses the best, leaving Abram with what remains. Yet, despite this difficulty and its result, God promises that he and his descendants will inherit the entire land as God promised.

People will do things to harm God’s people. It has been that way since the fall of mankind. The seed of the serpent constantly seeks to ruin the seed of the woman and those the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed. The wicked seem to prosper, while the righteous seem to suffer. Yet, in the end, the redeemed people of the Lord will inherit the whole land – the New Heavens and the New Earth.

Application: It is essential to make wise choices in life. The Word of God must be your guide. Not everything that appears good is useful.

Learn: What did Lot choose and why?