+I'm not a regular church goer. What can I expect?
You can expect a welcoming church that is warm, friendly, and eager to worship the living and true God and show love to others.
+What is your worship service like?
Some would describe our worship as "traditional," but we prefer to see it as biblical. There is a formal order of service. We sing hymns, psalms, and read and preach God's Word. There are no choirs, solos, or othrer performances. Our worship is centered around the preaching of God's Word.
+How should I dress?
Some of us dress very casually while others are more formal. There is no dress code. We encourage you to come and see, and dress in a manner that is comfortable for you.
+What is the Pastor currently preaching?
The Pastor is currently preaching through 1 Corinthains in the morning worship service and Joshua in the afternoon worship service.
+Do you have a prayer meeting?
Yes. We meet for prayer and a brief study each Wednesday evening at 6 PM.