Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 14

Read: Matthew 14 

Matthew 14 contains the narrative account of the death of John the Baptist, the miracle of Jesus walking on water, and other healing performed by the Savior. The significant section is the events leading to the death of the prophet John. In chapter eleven, he was in prison. This chapter gives us the details as to why he was there. John, faithful to the law of God, warns Herod that "it is not lawful for you to have her," referring to Herod's taking of his brother's wife as his own. That pronouncement angered the king, and he tossed him in prison. It was not until a party when Herod made a fateful vow and promised the daughter of Herodias anything she wanted. Prompted by mom, the daughter asked for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. It was done. John was martyred for the sake of the truth. It is a lesson to all of us who name the name of Christ. We must be vigilant to stand firm on the truths of the gospel regardless of the consequences. Though John lost his life, we reflect on the words of Paul, who said, "For me to live is Christ, and to die, gain."

Learn: Be able to summarize the three miracles performed in this chapter.


  1. To live is Christ — John the Baptist was a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus. You should be as well. Think through what it means to be a “faithful follower.”

  2. Jesus is not only concerned with the spiritual needs of the people but their physical needs as well. How can you meet the needs of others on both fronts?