Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 14

Read: Genesis 14

Genesis 14 has two major sections. The first (14:1-16) details Abram's battle with the five kings. In this battle, Abram rescues his nephew, Lot. The odds are overwhelming, of course. These five kings have just conquered many Canaanites. Yet, with his small army, Abram seeks to rescue his nephew. In no small way, this is a lesson of kindness. In the previous chapter, we saw how Lot took the best of the land and left his uncle with the leftovers. It would have been natural for Abram to ignore his nephew, allowing him to be harmed or killed by the forces of evil, and then assume the lands vacated as a result. Yet, Abram rescues his helpless nephew. In it, we have a picture of our helpless condition and the work of grace in saving us from our sad state. The second section (14:17-24) is significant as it sets the foundation for the eternal priesthood of Christ. In this section, Abram meets Melchizedek, priest of God Most High (14:18), who blessed him. This was no ordinary priesthood but one of an eternal order. There is some debate as to whether this is an actual human being, born ordinarily, or a pre-incarnate manifestation of the second person of the Trinity. Whatever the case, it is the foundation for the priesthood of Christ. The Levitical priests came from the tribe of Levi. Yet Christ is from the tribe of Judah. How, then, could he be the great high priest described for us in Hebrews? It is precisely because he comes from the line of Melchizedek – an eternal line.


  1. The meaning of the name “Melchizedek.”

  2. The sequence of events surrounding Abram’s encounter with Melchizedek.

Application: Jesus is of a higher and more important priesthood. Therefore, he alone is able to be the true priest of God Most High. As such, he deserves our praise and adoration, and a life lived in service to him.