Bible Knowledge in a Modern World
2 Tim. 3:16-17
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable…
We live in a world of instant information. Yet, with our access through various mediums and devices, God’s people are more biblically illiterate than ever in history. Not long ago, parents catechized their children, conducted family worship each evening, and spent time praying together as families. Not long ago, missing worship (both services) would have been unthinkable. Things have changed in our modern world, and I am not convinced they have changed for the better. The fruit of our failures to catechize, conduct family worship, and teach the importance of corporate worship each Lord’s Day is rotten. Its effects are visible across the spectrum of our culture and, worse, our churches.
I suspect that if asked, most of you reading this brief article would have a tough time identifying and summarizing the most important chapters of God’s Word. Perhaps you think that is something men training for the ministry need to worry about and not those sitting in the pew. Indeed, those men pursuing the gospel ministry should have an excellent grasp of the information given in Scripture. However, those in the pews must as well.
Therefore, it will be my goal to write two weekly articles highlighting the Bible's chapters. The first article will cover a portion of the Old Testament, beginning in Genesis. The week's second article will start in the New Testament, beginning with Matthew, repeating the same process. As a result, this will be a long-term program to get through the Bible.
Here are a few suggestions to get the most out of this endeavor:
First, read the chapter discussed and note any questions you may have. Then, ask your elders or pastor for help with those things.
Read the article and commit a portion of the essential items of the chapter to memory.
Parents, go over these items with your children. Make it fun! You can create a game or challenge with subsequent incentives along the way.
This project will begin on January 10, 2023, with the Old Testament article available on Tuesdays and the New Testament article on Fridays.
I am praying that the Lord will bless this effort for the good of his Kingdom and the good and help of his people.