Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 12

Read: Matthew 12

Matthew Twelve takes up matters related to the Sabbath, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and the one I want to focus on today: Fruit proves the root (12:33-37). Many in the church today know much about the Christian faith, theology, etc. They have made credible professions of faith. They are in attendance each Lord’s Day. Yet, there is no fruit, no growth. Jesus directly confronts the hypocrites of his day by stating that “the good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil.” The issue at stake is the heart of man. The unregenerate heart has no desire for spiritual matters. It is hard as stone. The redeemed, however, love and desire more righteousness. The hunger for it and seek it. They are not merely interested in a profession of faith but want to walk in the newness of life. Words are often an expression of the heart. Careless words are the fruits of a hard heart. Words meant to destroy are symptoms of an evil heart. If we find that our words are destructive, tend to slander and gossip, ruin, and not build up, we should examine our hearts because the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart.


  1. What kind of fruit is being produced in your life? Are you emulating the fruit of the Spirit? See Gal. 5

  2. What signs are you seeking in your life? Be content with the sign of the Word of God as that which will guide you into all truth.

Learn: The true sin of the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit." - Attributing the works of the Son of God to Satan.