Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 18

Read: Genesis 18

Genesis 18 can be divided into two sections. The first (18:1-21) is the account of the visit from three men in which they restate the covenant promise of God to Abram. There have been a few interpretations as to the origin of the men. Are they angels? Is it a manifestation of the Trinity? The more likely reading is that they were divine, but not members of the Godhead though 18:3 reports that Abram called one of them "Lord." The Hebrew is very specific here, using the common OT name for God (Adonai). If that rendering is correct, then it is possible that one of the members was God himself. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that Abram viewed these men with great respect.

The second section (18:22—33) is the account of Abram's pleading with the LORD for the sake of Sodom. Remember, it is here that his nephew lived. Therefore, the actions of Abram are not surprising. We learn much from Abram's example on the subject of prayer, namely that we should be people of concerted, pleading prayer for the sake of others.