Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 15

Read: Genesis 15

Genesis 15 is divided into two sections. The first section is about Abram's concern regarding being childless. God promised that he would be a great nation in chapter twelve, but he remains childless. In this section, God reiterates what he told him and promises that his seed would be like heaven's stars and the seashore's sands. God promised. Abram believed, and it was credited to him for righteousness. 15:6 is quoted four times in the New Testament (Rom. 4:3, 22; Gal. 3:6; Jas. 2:23). It is a verse that speaks to the doctrine of justification by faith alone (Latin, Sola Fide). Abram believed God with simple faith and trust in what God promised to him. It is important to note that Abram believed God before Abram did anything – especially before he obeyed the words of Jehovah in chapter twenty-two. The doctrine of justification is the "article upon which the church stands or falls" (Luther). It is an act of God's free grace, wherein he pardons all our sins and accepts us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us and received by faith alone." (WSC Q33).

The second section (15:7-21) is the ratification of the promise made to Abram by way of covenant. This section notes the future statement regarding the enslavement of God's people in Egypt (15:13).

Learn: The terms of the covenant promise (15:1-6)


  1. God condescends to his people and makes a covenant with them. He is faithful to his Word. Trust him.

  2. Read Gen. 15:6. Abram believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Memorize WSC Q33