Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 16

Read: Matthew 16

 The critical section of Matthew 16 is when Peter confesses Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. In this section, we are reminded of the church's ongoing mission. Jesus tells Peter that the gates of hell will never prevail against the church (16:18). So often, that verse is read defensively in that the fury of the evil one will not overrun the church. Though that is true, the point is that the church is offensive and will win the spiritual battle of the age. That should comfort the Christian as he pilgrims through this dark and challenging world. The labors of the king and Head of the church will not be in vain. The labors of his servants are not in vain either. The church will be victorious over all enemies.

Learn: The answers given by the disciples when asked, “Who do you say that I am.” (16:15(

Application: Knowing about Christ is not enough. You must know him, and he must know you. That cannot be something you will to do. The Spirit of God must open your eyes to the truth of Christ. See 16:17