Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 15

Read: Matthew 15

Matthew 15 continues the work of the Savior coupled with his teachings. In this chapter, Jesus heals the Canaanite woman and feeds the five thousand. The focus for today is on 15:1-20. The issue of defilement is before the Savior after the Pharisees, and scribes accuse him and his disciples. Jesus rebukes them because they say the right things but do not honor God with their heart. There are many in the church, like those men. They say what is right. They know many things. However, their hearts are far from the Lord. Jesus points out that it is not what comes from outside that defiles a person, but only that which comes from within the sin-filled heart of man. Therefore, it is vital to guard your heart with all diligence because from it comes all the issues of life (Prov. 4:23). What things do you allow your mind to dwell on, your eyes to watch? These things will affect your heart, and they will impact your behavior. The apostle Paul tells us to meditate on pure and right things (Phil. 4:8).

Learn: The heart is the source of all sin.

Application: If the heart is the source of our sin, pray and seek the help of the Holy Spirit so you will not sin against the triune God.