Posts in worship
The Elements of Christian Worship

What is the “regulative principle of worship”?

The regulative principle of worship is a core doctrine of the Reformed tradition (see WCF 21.1). When we gather in worship, we must worship God in the way he commands and no other way. That is, we do not offer “strange fire” to God (See Lev. 10). Instead, we offer to him that which he demands of his people. We cannot imagine or devise other ways that God has not outlined in his Word (either by direct command or good and necessary consequence).

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The Basics of the Christian Life

Another new year is upon us, and if you are anything like me, you take the time to reflect on the previous year and make plans and goals for the new one. In some sense, this time of the year allows you to hit the "reset" button on your lives and adjust what needs to be changed related to your families, your relationship with Christ, and other essential matters. It is the second item, your relationship with Christ, that I want to focus on briefly, especially related to the fundamentals of the Christian life.

The basics are very important. If you watch sports, you will notice that when athletes competing at the highest level are in a tight spot and the game is on the line that their fundamentals are what gets them that hit that is needed or golf shot within feet of the hole, or the important pass to win the game. So much depends on the basics – the fundamentals. It is no different in the Christian life.

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Worship Preparation Guide for April 17, 2022

DOWNLOAD the Apr. 17th Worship Guide (PDF)

April 17, 2022 | 2 PM

Call to Worship: Psalm 145:1-3, 21 (Responsively)
Confession of Faith: Westminster Larger Catechism Q51-52
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

#145C I Will Extol You, O My God
#360 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
#369 Worship Christ, the Risen King!

Sermon: Matthew 28:1-15 (Two Responses to the Empty Tomb)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What roles do the people in the narrative play? The women, the guards, the angel of the Lord, Jesus, the chief priests, and the elders? Which of these believed the message of the empty tomb and which one didn't?

  2. Why is the resurrection theologically necessary to the historic Christian faith? Consider 1 Cor. 15:13-15, 17, 19.

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Worship Preparation Guide for August 8, 2021


Worship Preparation Guide for August 8, 2021

Call to Worship: Romans 11:33-36
Confession of Faith: The Westminster Confession of Faith 8.2-3
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. Give Praise to God #220

  2. Great Is Thy Faithfulness #240

  3. The Glorious Gates of Righteousness #118B (stanzas 1-4, 8)

Sermon: James 1:5-8 | Series: Practical Wisdom in a Godless World

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worshipWilliam Hill