Worship Preparation Guide for August 8, 2021



Worship Preparation Guide for August 8, 2021

Call to Worship: Romans 11:33-36
Confession of Faith: The Westminster Confession of Faith 8.2-3
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. Give Praise to God #220

  2. Great Is Thy Faithfulness #240

  3. The Glorious Gates of Righteousness #118B (stanzas 1-4, 8)

Sermon: James 1:5-8 | Series: Practical Wisdom in a Godless World

Discussion Questions:

1.       Why does James implore his readers to ask for wisdom? What is the implication?

2.       Define “wisdom.”

3.       Where are we to find wisdom? Is it possible to find wisdom in God and the world at the same time?

4.       How does James describe the one who “doubts”? What does it mean to doubt?

5.       How does God answer the one who seeks wisdom? What does this tell you about the nature and nurture of God?

6.       What are the warnings offered by James in 1:6b-8?


1.       True wisdom comes from God alone. We must seek it from him in prayer and in his Word.

2.       A person who never seeks for wisdom is very foolish.

3.       Our heavenly Father is kind and gracious and gives wisdom to all who seek it from him by faith.

worshipWilliam Hill