Worship Preparation Guide for April 3, 2022

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Worship Preparation Guide for April 3, 2022

 Call to Worship: Psalm 34:1-3
Confession of Faith: The Nicene Creed
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

#227 How Great Thou Art
#245 Great Is Thy Faithfulness
#203 According to Thy Gracious Word

Sermon: Psalm 8

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who wrote this Psalm, and how does that affect your understanding of it?

  2. The writer invokes two divine names in 8:1. What are they?

  3. What are the effects of the words of 8:1, “O Lord, our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth,” being repeated in 8:9?

  4. Since the psalmist ascribes majesty to the name of God, how should that affect your treatment of God’s name?

  5. The psalmist highlights three aspects of the majesty of God in this Psalm. What are they? See 8:1, 2, 3a.

  6. What does 8:2 teach you regarding the praise of God?

  7. In what ways does God condescend to the needs of his creatures?

  8. Due to the condescending work of God, how should you respond?

  9. How is the Psalm directly connected to the life and work of Christ?


  1. David frames this Psalm around the majesty of God. You should frame your entire lives around his kingship. See WSC 1.

  2. God’s name is holy. Therefore, it should be treated with great care, reverence, and awe.

  3. As recipients of God’s condescending grace and work, your life should reflect it and live in response to it.