Worship Preparation Guide for August 29, 2021


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Worship Preparation Guide for August 29, 2021

Call to Worship: Psalm 134:1-3
Confession of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. #244 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

  2. #245 Great Is Thy Faithfulness

  3. #37 Do Not Fret on Account of the World [stanzas 1-3, 10]

Sermon: Psalm 37:1-6

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is the author of this Psalm? How does that affect your understanding and interpretation of it?

  2. The psalmist gives four counsels in Ps. 37:1-6. What are they?

  3. The psalmist offers four comforts in Ps. 37:1-6. What are they?

  4. What does it mean to “fret”?

  5. What does it mean when the psalmist tells his readers to “dwell in the land”?

  6. Ps. 37:4 is often quoted in such a way that it makes God look like he will give us whatever we want. What must govern the desires of your heart?

  7. The theme of “trust” is often repeated in 37:1-6. Why?

  8. Why is it important to heed the counsel to “not fret”? See Ps. 37:2


1.       In the face of evil and wicked people and afflictions of every kind: Comfort your heart with the person and character of God who sees and always does what is right.  He vindicates the righteous and punishes the wicked.

2.       In the face of evil and wicked people and afflictions of every kind: Pray! First, pray for them, that God would change their heart. Second, pray for your own heart, that it does not end up bitter and despairing as though all is lost.

3.       In the face of evil and wicked people and afflictions of every kind: Remember: God is working even if it does not seem to be the case. He is not aloof, and He is not absent. He loves His people, His righteous one’s.


worshipWilliam Hill