Worship Preparation Guide for November 21, 2021

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Call to Worship: Psalm 46:1-7 (Responsively)
Confession of Faith: Westminster Shorter Catechism Q40-42
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. #244 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

  2. #245 Great Is Thy Faithfulness

  3. #397 Breathe On My, Breath of God

Sermon: Psalm 111

Discussion Questions:

  1. Psalm 111 is referred to as a “wisdom Psalm.” Why?

  2. What does the Psalmist commit to doing in the opening lines of the Psalm? What lesson does that teach you?

  3. Who is the object of praise and thanksgiving?

  4. What are the means of the Psalmist’s praise and thanksgiving?

  5. Where does the Psalmist indicate he will praise Jehovah? What lesson do we learn from that?

  6. The Psalmists highlights God’s character and works in this Psalm as the reasons for his praise and thanksgiving. Identify as many of them as possible.

  7. What responsibility do you have as a redeemed child of God as taught by this Psalm?


  1. Thankfulness is a mark of a Christian. Too often, we complain about our circumstances instead of focusing our attention on the character and works of our God.

  2. Each Lord’s Day we are afforded fifty-two “Thanksgiving Days.” The Lord’s Day is the day God has set apart alone for the gathering of God’s people to praise, worship, and thank him for who he is and what he has done. We thank him in song, and we thank him at the Lord’s Table. We review the historical acts of God each Lord’s Day and respond in praise and thanksgiving to Him.

  3. God’s people are to live thankful lives.

worshipWilliam Hill