Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, November 21, 2021

Prayer: Grant, almighty God, that your people, called by your name and bought with an immeasurable price, would gather to praise you and adore you today in spirit and truth with holiness of heart and mind. We are your people and the sheep of your pasture, and we come to make a joyful noise to you and to serve you with gladness and joy. We long to be in the gates of your temple, entering with thanksgiving for all you have done for us. But, though we are your sheep and you the Good Shepherd, we know that there are times when we go astray looking beyond the pasture you have set for us. We are ashamed at how easily we turn from the place you bring us and, instead, turn to other things that will never satisfy our weary and restless souls. Forgive us, Lord, and remind us that you are good to your people, faithful through all ages and for all time. 

We plead with you to meet with your people today and to bless us with your Word. We ask that you would be gracious and kind, teaching us through the eternal Spirit the depths of your Truth that we, as the sheep of your pasture, might not sin against you. We ask that your Word would go forth with power from on high and that we would seek for it as we would seek for gold. Be merciful to us, Father, and help us to seek first your kingdom and righteousness we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 100; Matt. 6:33; Ps. 119:11

prayerWilliam Hill