Monday with Calvin: A Daily Prayer for November 22, 2021

Prayer: Grant, almighty God,
since during our pilgrimage in this world we have daily need of the teaching and government of Thy Spirit, that with true modesty we may depend on Thy Word and secret inspiration and not take too much on ourselves. 
Grant, also, that we may be conscious of our ignorance, blindness, and stupidity, and always flee to Thee, and never permit ourselves to be drawn aside in any way by the cunning of Satan and of the ungodly. May we remain so fixed in Thy truth as never to turn aside from it whilst Thou dost direct us through the whole course of our vocation, and then may we arrive at that heavenly glory that has been obtained for us through the blood of Thine only begotten Son. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Daniel 2:3-9

prayerWilliam Hill