Daily Prayer for November 20, 2021

Prayer: Our most glorious and wise God, we thank you and praise you for revealing yourself to your creatures. You have declared your glory through all that you have made. You preach your majesty each day as we take note of the sunrise and star shine. Each day we see the changing of the weather, and each season we take note of your habits. We thank you for your Word, which reveals who you are in exacting and precise nature. We bless you for the wisdom of your Word and how it is a light for our feet to guide us on the path of this life. Forgive us, Father, for how often we move through our day failing to thank you and praise you for what you allow us to see. Forgive us for not spending time in your Word, sitting at your feet, and learning from the eternal Spirit that penned it. Please grant us a great willingness and zeal to read, meditate, hear, and do all that your Word tells us to do. 

Today we pray for the preaching of your Word, which will occur all over this world on the Lord's Day. We pray that you would make ready the hearts and minds of your people to receive with meekness the word of truth. We pray for your ministers as they ascend the pulpit and proclaim your Word that they would be guided and prepared by your Spirit. We ask that their words would be a powerful demonstration of your Spirit. We ask you to help those ministers as they often stand before your people, burdened with many things and suffering under tremendous attack from within and without. Please help them, Lord. Finally, we pray that your church would be strengthened through your worship, and we pray that you would be exalted on the day you have made for the good of your people. All of these things we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 19; Prov. 1:7; Ps. 119:105; 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Jas. 1:19-25; 1 Cor. 2:1-5

prayerWilliam Hill