Worship Preparation Guide for November 7, 2021

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Call to Worship: Psalm 87:1-3 (Responsively)
Confession of Faith: Westminster Larger Catechism 165-167 (Baptism)
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. God, My King, Thy Might Confessing #145D

  2. Amazing Grace #433

  3. Be Thou My Vision #446

Sermon: James 1:26-27
Series: Practical Wisdom in a Godless World

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why does James use the word “think” (“if anyone thinks he is religious…”) in 1:26?

  2. What does James mean by the word “religious”?

  3. What is the central issue of 1:26? How is it that one can deceive himself?

  4. The tongue is a restless evil. James warns against an unbridled tongue. In what ways do you use your tongue for good and for evil?

  5. Two areas are discussed in 1:27 that are described as “pure and undefiled” before God the Father. What are they?

  6. Why do you think James elects to use the phrase “God the Father” in 1:27 instead of simply using “God” or some other reference to the Godhead?


  1. The tongue reflects the heart. How we use our tongues will reveal the heart. Regardless of what we think, if we use our tongue for evil; if it is not under control, our religion is a sham.

  2. Two theological truths come forward in 1:27: the doctrine of adoption and the doctrine of sanctification. The doctrine of adoption is presented in James’ use of the phrase “God the Father.” The doctrine of sanctification is presented in his admonition to keep one “unstained from the world.”

  3. The issue of caring for and ministering to the needs of the lowly and hurting of the world is highlighted by James as “pure and undefiled religion.” James is exhorting us to hospitality. Hospitality is not inviting Christian friends to your house. That is fellowship. Hospitality is ministering to strangers. How did God show you hospitality?

worshipWilliam Hill