Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, November 7, 2021

Prayer: Grant almighty God that we, as your redeemed people you have loved from before there was anything made, would be pleased to do all your holy will today. We thank you that your love for us has no end, even as it had no beginning. Each day, that love is demonstrated to us as you guide, protect, lead, and deliver us. As a Good Shepherd, you lead us to those green pastures and those dark valleys. Yet, we have no reason to fear because you are with us. As our Father, you rescued us when we were strangers and aliens -- when we were orphans. It was when we were most miserable in the affliction of our sins that you visited us, setting before us an example that we, too, should be a people who care for the hurting and dying of this world. Forgive us, Father, for being so self-absorbed and consumed with our own lives that we miss those opportunities to show your love to the weak, hurting, and forgotten of our world. Forgive us for neglecting hospitality -- kindness to strangers. Forgive us for not emulating your kindness to others. Please grant us a better understanding of your eternal love moving us to show that love to the outcasts in this world. These things we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: 1 John 4:7-21; James 1:27

prayerWilliam Hill