Worship Preparation Guide for October 17, 2021


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Call to Worship: Psalm 99:1-5 (Responsively)
Confession of Faith: The Larger Catechism Q160
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. #106B O Praise the Lord, for He Is Good

  2. #352 Man of Sorrows! What a Name

  3. #198 Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured

Sermon: James 1:22-25
Series: Practical Wisdom in a Godless World

Discussion Questions:

  1. What two activities does James highlight in this passage?

  2. What does it mean to be a “doer of the Word”?

  3. What are some things that can hinder your attentive listening to the preaching of the Word?

  4. What is the result of one who merely listens to the Word of God preached but does not do what he hears?

  5. What is the result of one who intently listens and obeys? What does that look like in this life and the life to come?


  1. If you are hearing without doing, you will have difficulty in this life. The genuinely blessed man or woman, boy or girl, listens and obeys. Consider the many ways that is worked out in your day-to-day life.

  2. Hearing and obeying also carries an eternal consequence. The proof of the one who professes faith in Christ is that they do what they are told. The sheep hear his voice, and they follow the Good Shepherd. Those who say they love Christ do what He tells them to do.

worshipWilliam Hill