Worship Preparation Guide for Oct. 31 (Reformation Day)

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Call to Worship: Psalm 145:1-3
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism Q60-61
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. #244 A Mighty Fortress is Our God

  2. #243 How Firm a Foundation

  3. Glory Be to God Alone (see the insert in the bulletin)

Sermon: Ephesians 2:1-10
Title: Grace Alone!

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Paul talking about when he says that “you were dead in your transgressions and sins”? (2:1)

  2. How does Paul use the term “dead” in 2:1?

  3. What are aspects of this death?

  4. How does Paul describe the one who is dead?

  5. Why does God intervene in the life of the dead sinner? What would happen if he didn’t?

  6. What was God’s purpose for intervening in the life of the dead sinner? What are the means he uses to accomplish that work?

  7. What does it look like to be a “new creation”?


  1. At one time, each of you were dead spiritually with no hope in the world save in God’s sovereign mercy and grace. Reflect often on what your life would be like without the intervening work of God.

  2. As recipients of God’s grace you should walk in humble reliance, obeying the voice of the Savior as proof of one who has received his grace, by faith, through Christ alone!

William Hill