Posts in worship
Worship Preparation Guide for May 9, 2021

DOWNLOAD the Worship Guide for 5-9-2021

Call to Worship: Psalm 66:1-4
Confession of Faith: Westminster Larger Catechism Q158-160
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. O Shout to God With Joy (#66A)

  2. Man of Sorrows, What a Name (#352)

  3. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord (#405)

Sermon: Mark 4:26-29

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is the man of 4:26?

  2. What aspects of the church would be considered “the seed”? What are the qualities of the seed that is cast?

  3. What does the action of the man of 4:26 tell you about the Christian life?

  4. What is one of the character traits necessary for anyone who “casts the seed”?

  5. What type of soil does the seed in 4:26-29 land?

  6. What causes the seed to grow?

  7. What is the result of the seed the grows? What does that look like in the life of the Christian?

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worshipWilliam Hill
Worship Preparation for May 2, 2021

Call to Worship: Isaiah 60:1-5
Confession of Faith: the Apostles’ Creed
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art #282

  2. The Lord’s My Shepherd #23A

  3. Almighty God, Your Word is Cast #173

Sermon: Mark 4:21-25

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of light?

  2. How is the Word of God “light?” See Ps. 119:105. What are the implications of this verse?

  3. If the things hidden in the Old Testament are now manifest in the New, what should we do with this information?

  4. Why does Jesus exhort the listeners to hear? Who is able to hear?

  5. Where does Christ speak, primarily? See WLC 160.

  6. Why does Jesus say, “to the one who has, more will be given?” In the context of this passage, to what is he referring?

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worshipWilliam Hill
God's Plan for Corporate Worship

The subject of corporate worship is a significant one in the life of the believer. How one views corporate worship and how seriously one approaches it will be the Christian life baseline. The following podcast recommendation speaks to that issue as well as others.

NOTE: I can't entirely agree with everything the guest says, especially when he starts talking about items of systemic racism, social justice, etc. (which comprises about five minutes or less of the forty-minute episode). However, what he does say regarding corporate worship is very good and helpful.

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worshipWilliam Hill
Worship Preparation for April 4, 2021

Call to Worship: Psalm 117
Confession of Faith: the Apostles’ Creed
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today

  2. Psalm: The LORD has Spoken to My Lord

  3. Hymn: Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed

  4. Hymn: Jesus, Thank You

Sermon: John 20:1-23

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the “timestamp” of the events that occur in John 20:1-23?

  2. What is the setting of this narrative? Who are the people involved?

  3. What is the overall purpose of John in this narrative?

  4. How does Jesus show kindness and care for the people, both individually and corporately?

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worshipWilliam Hill
Worship Preparation for March 14, 2021

Sermon: Mark 3:13-19

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of Christ choosing his twelve disciples?

  2. Consider the men Christ called to be his disciples. Which of them do you know well, and which of them should you get to know? What are some of their particular characteristics?

  3. What means did Christ employ to prepare for the choosing of his disciples? What does that teach you?

  4. What is the mission that Christ gave his disciples? Are any of them your mission today? How?

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worshipWilliam Hill
Worship Preparation for February 28, 2021

Sermon: Mark 3:6-12

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some of the reasons for the rise in the popularity of the Savior?

  2. Two kinds of people are highlighted in this passage. Who are they and what are their attitudes?

  3. How does Christ respond to the crowds who come to him? What does that teach you regarding the nature of Christ? How can you illustrate this for your children?

  4. How does the reaction of the demons differ from the crowds?

  5. How does Christ respond to the demons?

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worshipWilliam Hill
Worship Preparation for February 21, 2021

Sermon: Mark 2:23-3:6

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the two scenes that frame the entire narrative and the subject of the Lord’s day?

  2. What two ways do the Pharisees respond to these events? What does that communicate about these men?

  3. How does Jesus correct the bad understanding of the Sabbath? What two areas are highlighted by the response of Christ?

  4. What are acts of mercy? Brainstorm with your family what things you can do on the Lord’s day that are properly defined as “acts of mercy.”

  5. What are acts of necessity? Brainstorm with your family what things are necessary things that are lawful to do on the Lord’s Day.

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worshipWilliam Hill
Our Reformed Worship: The Music

The Word of God makes it clear that we are to worship the living and true God corporately each week (E.g., Ps. 100). As we gather, we come to meet with the living and true God as his people called out from the world. Our goal in worship is to honor and adore the triune God. We do so with the means that He has given to us in his word. At Providence Church, we worship according to the regulative principle — that is, we worship by doing what God commands as we approach him. As we gather, we must worship him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Sometimes people worship without a full understanding of what they are doing. Over the next few articles, I want to briefly highlight our liturgy and why we are doing what we are doing. This article will discuss the importance of music in worship.

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Hymns and Psalter Selections for February 2021

Brothers and Sisters, Breanna Scroggins has created a YouTube playlist with music selections of hymns that we sing at Providence. You are encouraged to take a look and use it as you prepare for worship each week.

As you probably know, you can subscribe to this playlist and get notifications when it is updated.

She has offered to update it as we go along. This will be a good resource. I will also add this information to the church website.

Providence Church Hymns and Psalms

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worshipWilliam Hill