Worship Preparation Guide for June 13, 2021


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Call to Worship: Psalm 101:1
Confession of Faith: Shorter Catechism Q23-26
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. LORD, I will Worship You #101B

  2. From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee #503

  3. The Church’s One Foundation #4-4

Sermon: Mark 5:1-13

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the setting to this narrative and how does Mark connect it to the previous event (Cp. 4:35-41)?

  2. What is the significance to the region of the Gerasenes (also known as the region of the Gadarenes)?

  3. How does Mark describe the man that comes to Jesus? What images is being presented regarding the state of fallen man in this world?

  4. Two apparent contradictory events take place in this passage. What are they? See 5:2, 6, 8-9

  5. What lessons can be gleaned from the deliverance of the man?

  6. What is learned from the climactic event of Jesus casting the demons into the herd of pigs?

  7. What does this narrative teach regarding the glory of Christ and his power over evil?


The striking reality seen in this narrative can be found on multiple levels:

1. Regardless of the fiercest onslaught of the forces of evil the Savior of the world, the Son of God, has power over all of them. He that lives in me is greater than he that lives in the world.

2. Man – under the power of darkness:

a. will never willingly accept the solution that Christ offers. He is in darkness, enslaved to the forces of evil. He does not want to be destroyed for his sin and would rather prefer a life with the “pigs” as it were than full blessedness and enjoyment with God in glory.

b. will behave in bewildering manners – contradictory – confused – a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

3. The forces of evil will never prevail against God’s people – The King of the church will insure that regardless of the might of the enemy – His might is alone the greatest. “One little word will fell him” we sing in that great hymn of the faith.

worshipWilliam Hill