God's Plan for Corporate Worship


The subject of corporate worship is a significant one in the life of the believer. How one views corporate worship and how seriously one approaches it will be the Christian life baseline. The following podcast recommendation speaks to that issue as well as others.

NOTE: I can't entirely agree with everything the guest says, especially when he starts talking about items of systemic racism, social justice, etc. (which comprises about five minutes or less of the forty-minute episode). However, what he does say regarding corporate worship is very good and helpful.

From the website:

β€œIn this episode, Matt Merker discusses the central importance of corporate worship for the life of the Christian. He shares his thoughts on the effect that the COVID-19 pandemic could have on church gatherings in the future, explains why the concept of a church liturgy is a good and necessary thing, and offers encouragement to the person who may be toying with the idea of not returning to church once the pandemic is over.”

The transcript can be found here:


worshipWilliam Hill