Worship Preparation Guide for August 1, 2021


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Call to Worship: Psalm 150:1-6 (Responsively)
Confession of Faith: The Nicene Creed
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. O Day of Rest and Gladness #153 [Tune]

  2. God, Be Merciful to Me #51C [Tune]

  3. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less #459 [Tune]

Sermon: James 1:1-4
Series: Practical Wisdom ion a Godless World

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who do you think is the author of the letter? Hint: The NT lists four different men with the name James.

  2. How does the author refer to himself and in what way is he exercising that in the opening words of the letter?

  3. to whom is James writing? Why? What are the circumstances facing the people? In what way are we like those people in the first century?

  4. What does it mean to “consider” something? What does James want his readers to consider?

  5. List the various kinds of trials you have faced in this life or are currently facing. What was your response to them?

  6. What is the means to the end that trials produce in the life of the Christian? Why are those items important?

  7. When James says that the process will make us perfect and complete, lacking in nothing, what does he mean? is he describing a sinless perfection?


Trials and difficulties will happen to all of us in this life. We must never forget that they do not happen by accident. They are specifically designed for you to refine you and perfect you and to cause you to mature as you are conformed to the image of Christ.

When you face trials:

  1. Remember, that they did not happen by accident. They were sovereignly directed by a Father in heaven and tailor-made for you.

  2. Remember, that a right response to them is not murmuring and complaining, buy intense joy that you were made to suffer as your Savior suffered in order that you would be complete and lacking in nothing growing to full maturity.

  3. Remember, that though trials can be painful and sorrowful, they are designed to strip you of the dross that remains. Do not resent the loving care of the Savior whose heart is for you.

  4. Remember, that through all of the trials of this life you can be comforted by that eschatological hope of the New Heavens and the New Earth where you will be perfect and complete in every way. In that place, there will be no more tears, sorrow, pain or death. Instead, there will be nothing but the full enjoying of God to all eternity. Therefore, lift your hearts heavenward!

worshipWilliam Hill