Daily Prayer for July 31, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty God that we as your people would learn to trust you in all things. We observe our lives and see that they are filled with manifold trials and difficulties. Those dark providences that you order are often difficult to withstand. Yet, we know that those things produce in your people perseverance and greater trust in you. We know that your Word highlights these things in the lives of your redeemed people and servants. Often you brought these great men and women of the faith through the floodwaters and fire to produce in them more and more of your image. We confess that there are times when we grumble and complain in the face of the refining fire of life. We know that this is an abomination before you, and we confess it openly with a great desire to submit to your will in all things. Thank you, our God, that you do not bring us through hardships because you don't care for us. We know that you do, and we know that even that troubles of this life are ordered by a loving Father who guides, directs, and upholds his people. Therefore, please help us submit to your will and allow those trials to perfect your goal of making us more like your Son in whose name we pray. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: James 1:1-4

prayerWilliam Hill