Worship Preparation for February 28, 2021

Sermon: Mark 3:6-12

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some of the reasons for the rise in the popularity of the Savior?

  2. Two kinds of people are highlighted in this passage. Who are they, and what are their attitudes?

  3. How does Christ respond to the crowds who come to him? What does that teach you regarding the nature of Christ? How can you illustrate this for your children?

  4. How does the reaction of the demons differ from the crowds?

  5. How does Christ respond to the demons?

Applications: Many people come to Christ because of what he can do for them. of course, he does many things for sinful people. However, we must come to Christ because of who he is, not merely because of what he has done and is doing.

  1. We come to Christ, not merely because he can make our lives “better.” Sometimes following Christ results in difficulty and opposition. We come to Christ because He alone can “give us life and give it more abundantly;” to heal us of our greatest disease – sin. Without HIM – not merely what He can do – you are without hope in the world.

  2. Many “say” they know Christ. Many “say” they know He existed and did many great things and taught wonderful truths. Many are still lost. Only when you receive Him and rest on Him will you truly be saved.

  3. Those who “say” they know the Savior have evidence of that in their life. They walk with Him.  They obey His commands.  There is fruit in the life of a person who professes faith in Christ. Is there fruit in your life? Do you know this Jesus presented in the Scriptures? Have you come face to face with him, as it were, and humbly received His mercy and grace? He alone is able.

worshipWilliam Hill