Daily Prayer for February 28, 2021

Prayer: Our God in heaven, we come to bless and praise you for your many mercies. We thank you that you are not like the dead idols of Israel as you see and hear and speak. They were impotent, but you are omnipotent. You can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything we can ask or imagine.  We thank you for the daily outpouring of faithfulness to us as your redeemed children. We confess that there are many times in our lives that we are faithless. We know that your sins deserve your wrath, but, in Christ, you have not treated us as our sins deserve. 

Today, as we gather to worship you, we pray that you would speak to us through your Word. We long to see you exalted and your Son magnified. We need your Spirit to worship you as you have commanded. Please cause us to listen with minds ready to receive the Word and then go and do what it tells us. We pray that your voice would thunder as in days of old when you spoke to our fathers from your holy mountain. We pray that we would heed your voice and strive to live as faithful ambassadors of the Most High God. We pray these things in the Name of Christ our Lord and King. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Eph. 3:20; Lam. 3:23; 1 Sam. 3:1-10; James 1:19-27

prayerWilliam Hill