Faith Breaks Into Prayer
Meditation for the day taken from Everyday Prayer with John Calvin written by Donald McKim:
Scripture: Mark 11:20-24
The narrative under consideration today begins with an observation from the disciples about the cursed fig tree (see 11:12-14). It is on this occasion that Jesus launches into a lesson on the subject of prayer. As the disciples needed to be taught about prayer, we also need to be taught. So often, our prayers are prayerless. So often, we merely utter the words and do not connect and employ the great lesson Jesus offers in this narrative. That lesson is relatively simple, but it is hard to do. What is that lesson? That our prayers must be connected with faith and belief that the God to whom we pray can do "exceedingly, abundantly, beyond anything we ask or think." Prayer is not merely a moving of the air across our lips, nor is it simply contemplative thought. It is an expression of faith that states plainly that our God in heaven can do whatever it is we ask. Calvin wrote, "to have faith in God means precisely that assurance and expectation from God of whatever we need. As faith, if we have any, immediately breaks into prayer and reaches for the riches of the grace of God which are revealed in the Word, that we should enjoy them, so Christ adds prayer to faith...The true test of faith lies in prayer." (83). McKim adds, "Faith believes, with assurance that through prayer God will provide what we need. Faith gives way to prayer as it reaches for the blessings of God's grace, which are revealed in the Sc
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Daily Prayer for July 22, 2021
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, you who are more glorious than all of your creation and the one who redeems a people from their sin and misery, we thank you for the great salvation that is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord. Though we know that we deserve nothing from your hand but death and judgment and eternal torment in hell, you have rescued us and placed us on the solid rock that can never be moved. That rock is your Son and our Savior. Through him, we have an inheritance that is imperishable and undefiled reserved in heaven for us. In Him, we have all the blessings and promises that you grant to your people. We thank you, Father, for so great a salvation. Forgive us for the many times we allow our minds and hearts to think more on the affairs of this life instead of setting them firmly on the things. Give us the discipline to think about eternity and the wherewithal to labor while it is still day because the night is coming when no man can work. Please help us to redeem the time for the sake of your glory and kingdom. Forgive us when we go astray and help us to walk in newness of life. All of these things we pray only in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
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Entering Into Prayer
Meditation for the day taken from Everyday Prayer with John Calvin written by Donald McKim:
Scripture: Mark 9:14-29
The narrative before us finds the Savior with a father who has a son who is possessed by a spirit that convulsed him and threatened him with bodily harm. This father brought his son to the disciples, who were unable to do anything. Therefore, in an act of last resort, the man appealed to Christ for help. As he did so, he indicates a certain level of uncertainty as to the ability of Christ to resolve the problem. Jesus, noticing the father's lack of belief, encourages him by saying that "all things are possible for one who believes." The father admitted his belief that was mingled with unbelief, and at that, Jesus healed the boy.
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Daily Prayer for July 21, 2021
Prayer: Almighty God, you who are glorious and majestic, the only true God of heaven and earth, we praise your name this morning as those called apart from the world as peculiar and holy people adopted as sons and daughters to live holy lives before you. We are thankful that we can pour out our hearts to a Father in heaven who stands able and ready to help his children. We pray this day that you would be pleased to give us our daily bread, knowing that you have promised to give to us all that we need. Indeed, our God, we are a needy people. There is no good in us at all. Your kindness and grace determine all that we are and all that we do. You give good gifts to us, and you bless us with your presence and Word. You have sustained us in a world full of sin and misery. Our health is due to you. You grant our worldly possessions for us to enjoy. You design our families as a rich blessing to help us in our journey to our heavenly rest. Our friends are a great comfort as we labor together to serve you. For these reasons and many more, we offer you heartfelt thanks knowing that words fail us. Above all of these things, we have your Son, who you gave as a demonstration of your love for us. How can we say thanks for so rich an inheritance? Because of all that you have done and will do, we seek to serve you. We know that we fall short and mourn our indwelling sin. Please help us, Father. Please be patient and kind and grant us more of your Spirit that we may love you and others as you have commanded us. These things we pray only because of the work of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
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Daily Prayer for July 20, 2021
Prayer: Our most holy and glorious God in heaven, we pray this day that your kingdom would come and that your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Through your divine providence and matchless power, we pray that you would bring all things into subjection of your will as given to us in your Word. We also pray that you would cause us and others to know, acknowledge, and highly esteem you as you have revealed yourself to your creatures. We further pray that you would bring all glory to yourself and that your people would be zealous to do so by obeying you in all the ways you have commanded. Forgive us, Father, for the many ways in which we stray from the narrow path. Please grant us a greater measure of your Spirit that we would live worthy of the calling you have placed upon us. We ask these things in the name of the only Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Amen.
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Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, July 18, 2021
Prayer: Almighty God, we praise your name today because you have made us and redeemed us. Through the work of your Son, we have been purchased as a peculiar people, your treasured possession. You have called us by name, and we belong to you. Once, we were aliens and strangers to the covenant of promise but now have been brought near as your chosen people, adopted to be holy and blameless in your sight. We thank you for this great privilege of being sons and daughters of the Most High. We confess that we do not always walk worthy of the calling you have placed upon our lives. We desire, however, to do all that you have commanded us not because it will add to our union with you but out of love for all you have done for us. Be pleased, our Father, to grant us more of your Spirit and help us to walk in the newsless of life that your redeemed people possess by virtue of your eternal Son who gave his life a ransom for many. These things we pray in praise and thanksgiving through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Daily Prayer for June 25, 2021
Prayer: Our glorious God, we boldly approach your throne today, having been given access to it through the work of the great High Priest, your Son, and our Lord. We come to plead for our churches and our families. We know that the people of old fell miserably and turned themselves to the cares of this world and idols of every kind because they failed to teach the next generation about you and your Word. As a result, they came under your Fatherly displeasure and were disciplined for their sin. We are also commanded to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, to teach them all of your ways and commandments. We grieve our current world and the state of the church where your people are busy doing many things except those that are most needful. WE have failed, in many ways, to teach our children about you. We have been deceived into thinking that everything will work out if we merely bring them to church. Yet, the people of old had your very presence in the midst of them, and they still rebelled. How will we escape if we fail to teach the next generation about you? Forgive us, Father, for wasting precious time with those precious souls you have given to us. Please help us renew our zeal to honor your Word and obediently strive to teach our children the precious doctrines of our most holy religion. We pray these things in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
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The Treasures of Prayer
Meditation for the day taken from "Everyday Prayer with John Calvin" written by Donald McKim:
Scripture: Matthew 21:18-22
The passage before us today is an odd narrative of Jesus cursing the fig tree. However, the fundamental issue in the actions of the Savior predicts those events that will soon take place for the temple and the old covenant system. However, the focus for today's meditation is on the words of the Savior in 21:21-22: "And Jesus answered them, 'Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." These words of the Lord have been often abused by those who seek to advance the "prosperity gospel." They argue that if we have enough faith, we can ask anything, and it will happen. Yet, what is often missing in their argument is that our faith is not in faith but the sovereign will of God. That is, as we pray, we must ask those things that are agreeable to God's will. If it is God's will to toss a mountain into the sea, it will be answered. In cases where we are not sure of God's will, we must lean upon his sovereign providence and trust his answers, even if they are contrary to what we asked. You see, true faith wants what God wants for us. We cannot manipulate God in our prayers, and we must resist the temptation to do so.
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Daily Prayer for June 23, 2021
Prayer: Our merciful God, you who are triune, full of loving-kindness and goodness, we praise your name today, seeking to do your holy will in all that we do and in all that you order for us. WE are thankful that you are patient and kind with us as we pilgrim through this life as exiles in a strange land. We are thankful for your Word that declares that you have called us by name and that we belong to you. Though we may struggle through difficult seasons in a fallen world, we know that you have promised that the waters will not overwhelm us, and the fire will not consume us. We are humbled at your infinite love demonstrated in the crushing of your own Son that we might have hope and comfort and your great forgiveness for our many sins. Therefore, we look to you today as our sure hope and help, a mighty refuge in which we find comfort and rest. Please help us, Father. Please grant us a greater measure of your Spirit that we would serve you with great joy and delight all of our days. We pray these things in the name of your Son and our Lord. Amen.
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Our Daily Prayer
Meditation for the day taken from Everyday Prayer with John Calvin written by Donald McKim:
Scripture: Matthew 21:1-9
The passage under consideration today is a familiar one. We know the story of what is known as "Palm Sunday." The phrase itself is not used in the Biblical record but derived from the worshipers' actions as Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time during his earthly ministry. In today's mediation, we are going to focus in on the "shouting" of the people found in Matt. 21:9, "and the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, 'Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest." There are a few items to note in this 'prayer' of the people. First, it is a prayer. The words used by the people are drawn from Ps. 118:25-26:
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Daily Prayer for June 22, 2021
Prayer: Almighty and merciful God, you alone are the alone sovereign over all creation, for you have made all things, visible and invisible, in the space of six days, and all very good. Because you are the Creator, you have every right to demand worship and obedience from your creatures. Yet, in our stubborn and stiff-necked ways, we often worship the creature and not the Creator. Too often, we do our own thing and go our own way, offering violence to your just demands and moral law. Sadly, as your redeemed people, we do these things and bring your Fatherly displeasure. Forgive us, Lord. We know of the many examples of your people of old that rebelled against you. We seek to learn from them and their ways. Please help us to learn your Word so that we may not sin against you. Thank you for always being ready to forgive. Please be patient with us, and help us by your Spirit. We pray these things in the name of Christ. Amen.
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Monday with Calvin: A Daily Prayer for June 21, 2021
NOTE: I am starting a new segment of "The Daily Prayer" each Monday that will reproduce the published prayers of John Calvin. In most cases, the source of the prayer will be given (if available).
Prayer: Grant, Almighty God, that since thou art pleased kindly to invite us to thyself, and hast consecrated thy word for our salvation, O grant that we may willingly, and from the heart, obey thee, and become so teachable, that what thou hast designed for our salvation may not turn to our perdition; but may that incorruptible seed by which thou doest regenerate us into a hope of the celestial life so drive its roots into our hearts, and bring forth fruit, that they name may be glorified; and we may be so planted in the courts of thine house, that we may grow and flourish, and that fruit may appear through the whole course of our life, until we shall at length enjoy that blessed life which is laid up for us in heaven, through Christ our Lord. -- Amen.
(From Everyday Prayer with John Calvin, written by Donald McKim, p, 18)
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