Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, July 18, 2021


Prayer: Almighty God, we praise your name today because you have made us and redeemed us. Through the work of your Son, we have been purchased as a peculiar people, your treasured possession. You have called us by name, and we belong to you. Once, we were aliens and strangers to the covenant of promise but now have been brought near as your chosen people, adopted to be holy and blameless in your sight. We thank you for this great privilege of being sons and daughters of the Most High. We confess that we do not always walk worthy of the calling you have placed upon our lives. We desire, however, to do all that you have commanded us not because it will add to our union with you but out of love for all you have done for us. Be pleased, our Father, to grant us more of your Spirit and help us to walk in the newsless of life that your redeemed people possess by virtue of your eternal Son who gave his life a ransom for many. These things we pray in praise and thanksgiving through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Gen. 1; Ex. 20:1-2; Is. 43: Eph. 4:1

prayerWilliam Hill