Daily Prayer for July 20, 2021


Prayer: Our most holy and glorious God in heaven, we pray this day that your kingdom would come and that your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Through your divine providence and matchless power, we pray that you would bring all things into subjection of your will as given to us in your Word. We also pray that you would cause us and others to know, acknowledge, and highly esteem you as you have revealed yourself to your creatures. We further pray that you would bring all glory to yourself and that your people would be zealous to do so by obeying you in all the ways you have commanded. Forgive us, Father, for the many ways in which we stray from the narrow path. Please grant us a greater measure of your Spirit that we would live worthy of the calling you have placed upon us. We ask these things in the name of the only Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Matt. 6:9-13; 2 Cor. 3:5; Ps. 51:5; Ps. 145; Ps. 8; Eph. 4:1

prayerWilliam Hill