Monday with Calvin: A Daily Prayer for June 21, 2021


NOTE: I am starting a new segment of "The Daily Prayer" each Monday that will reproduce the published prayers of John Calvin. In most cases, the source of the prayer will be given (if available). 

Prayer: Grant, Almighty God, that since thou art pleased kindly to invite us to thyself, and hast consecrated thy word for our salvation, O grant that we may willingly, and from the heart, obey thee, and become so teachable, that what thou hast designed for our salvation may not turn to our perdition; but may that incorruptible seed by which thou doest regenerate us into a hope of the celestial life so drive its roots into our hearts, and bring forth fruit, that they name may be glorified; and we may be so planted in the courts of thine house, that we may grow and flourish, and that fruit may appear through the whole course of our life, until we shall at length enjoy that blessed life which is laid up for us in heaven, through Christ our Lord. -- Amen.
(From Everyday Prayer with John Calvin, written by Donald McKim, p, 18)

prayerWilliam Hill