Daily Prayer for June 23, 2021


Prayer: Our merciful God, you who are triune, full of loving-kindness and goodness, we praise your name today, seeking to do your holy will in all that we do and in all that you order for us. WE are thankful that you are patient and kind with us as we pilgrim through this life as exiles in a strange land. We are thankful for your Word that declares that you have called us by name and that we belong to you. Though we may struggle through difficult seasons in a fallen world, we know that you have promised that the waters will not overwhelm us, and the fire will not consume us. We are humbled at your infinite love demonstrated in the crushing of your own Son that we might have hope and comfort and your great forgiveness for our many sins. Therefore, we look to you today as our sure hope and help, a mighty refuge in which we find comfort and rest. Please help us, Father. Please grant us a greater measure of your Spirit that we would serve you with great joy and delight all of our days. We pray these things in the name of your Son and our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Is. 43:1-7; 1 Pet. 1:1-9; James 1:1-4; Rom. 5:8

prayerWilliam Hill