Daily Prayer for July 21, 2021


Prayer: Almighty God, you who are glorious and majestic, the only true God of heaven and earth, we praise your name this morning as those called apart from the world as peculiar and holy people adopted as sons and daughters to live holy lives before you. We are thankful that we can pour out our hearts to a Father in heaven who stands able and ready to help his children. We pray this day that you would be pleased to give us our daily bread, knowing that you have promised to give to us all that we need. Indeed, our God, we are a needy people. There is no good in us at all. Your kindness and grace determine all that we are and all that we do. You give good gifts to us, and you bless us with your presence and Word. You have sustained us in a world full of sin and misery. Our health is due to you. You grant our worldly possessions for us to enjoy. You design our families as a rich blessing to help us in our journey to our heavenly rest. Our friends are a great comfort as we labor together to serve you. For these reasons and many more, we offer you heartfelt thanks knowing that words fail us. Above all of these things, we have your Son, who you gave as a demonstration of your love for us. How can we say thanks for so rich an inheritance? Because of all that you have done and will do, we seek to serve you. We know that we fall short and mourn our indwelling sin. Please help us, Father. Please be patient and kind and grant us more of your Spirit that we may love you and others as you have commanded us. These things we pray only because of the work of the Lord Jesus. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 29; Matt. 6:11; Rom. 3:23; Eph. 1

prayerWilliam Hill