Daily Prayer for June 22, 2021


Prayer: Almighty and merciful God, you alone are the alone sovereign over all creation, for you have made all things, visible and invisible, in the space of six days, and all very good. Because you are the Creator, you have every right to demand worship and obedience from your creatures. Yet, in our stubborn and stiff-necked ways, we often worship the creature and not the Creator. Too often, we do our own thing and go our own way, offering violence to your just demands and moral law. Sadly, as your redeemed people, we do these things and bring your Fatherly displeasure. Forgive us, Lord. We know of the many examples of your people of old that rebelled against you. We seek to learn from them and their ways. Please help us to learn your Word so that we may not sin against you. Thank you for always being ready to forgive. Please be patient with us, and help us by your Spirit. We pray these things in the name of Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Gen. 1; Ps. 145:17; Rom. 7:12; Rev. 5:12-14; Rom. 1:24-25; Ps. 119:9-11; 1 John 1:9

prayerWilliam Hill