Posts in prayer
Daily Prayer for November 18, 2021

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, you alone are holy and deserving of our praise, love, adoration, and worship. As your redeemed people, we have given up all rights to our lives and have been called by you to serve you as living sacrifices. We thank you that you rescued us from a life of misery brought on by sin. Though we still live in a fallen world, we do not live like those without hope as we cling to the promise of the New Heavens and the New Earth. We look forward with great expectation to the day when our faith will be sight, and we will be our Savior. Until then, Father, please continue to work in us a greater love and zeal for you and your Word. Your Word is life to our weary souls, and through it, you tell us all that we need to live to your glory in this world. Please help us and sustain us and cause us to remain free from the stain of this world being conformed daily to your image.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 17, 2021

Prayer: Almighty God and Father of all your redeemed people, we humble ourselves before your throne today to plead with you and to confess to you our transgressions and sins. Your word tells us to seek first your kingdom and righteousness, and we know that we often fail to obey that plain command. We confess that we seek many things in this life. We are idol factories, indeed. We have made idols out of our money, family, jobs, possessions, and a host of many other things. We have quickly turned aside to the cares of this life and give little thought that we are dust, passing away daily in our mortal bodies. We often fail to consider eternity and those things that eye has not seen what you have in store for those who love you. Forgive us, Lord, for being so easily distracted from what matters most in this life. Please grant us a great love for you and help us to seek the things that are above.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Monday with Calvin: A Daily Prayer for November 15, 2021

Prayer: Grant, Almighty God, since the doctrine of Thy Gospel sounds daily in our ears when Thou invites us so kindly by Thy amazing clemency and stretch out thy hand by Thine only begotten Son -- Grant, I pray Thee that we may be of a teachable and flexible disposition, and that we may sincerely submit to Thee. And since Thy law contains so many dreadful examples of Thy wrath, may we be moved by them, and may we walk with fear and trembling in obedience to Thy Word, that at length we may enjoy that inheritance Thou hast promises for us in Thy heavenly kingdom, by the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 14, 2021

Prayer: Our glorious God in heaven, we thank you for another Lord's Day that you made for us. We know that the Sabbath was made for man and your word declares that you set this day apart from all the other days of the week as one that is holy. On this day, you gave us an example by resting from all of your work. It is this day that points to our Sabbath rest -- the Lord Jesus Christ. You have commanded us to keep this day holy and cease from our normal worldly recreations and employment. You have further commanded that we delight in it and seek your face in the public gathering of worship and the enjoyment of Christian fellowship. Yet, we so often fail to seize this opportunity. Too often, we get caught up in our affairs and fail to worship you publicly and privately. We sin against you when we absent ourselves from your worship. We value the things of this life too much, and that is why we miss those common, ordinary things that you allow us to enjoy every other day. How sad it is that we a drawn to things that will never satisfy and replace your presence with the things of this world. Forgive us, Father. Please help us see the value of this day and the great opportunity afforded us to be in your presence and with your people. Please grant us a great love of the Lord's Day and be pleased to meet with your people as we gather to adore you. These things we pray for in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 12, 2021

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you for the great privilege to commune with the sovereign God of heaven and earth. You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Oh, Lord, we live in difficult and trying times. Though we know that nothing is new under the sun, we also know that sin has wrecked all that you have made and called good. We grieve at the state of our world and country. We see men, made in your image, professing and boasting to be wise, yet their rebellion against you only proves their foolishness. We know that this world is a mess because of sin, and we are ashamed that we, as your people, are still prone to sin and sinful behaviors. We are thankful to you that you are a God who delights in the forgiveness of sin. Yet, we long for the day when sin will be no more -- when we will no longer feel its effects and languish in it. Therefore, holy Father, we pray that you would grant us a great desire to follow you, being the church militant, until that day when we are the church at rest. Please grant us a greater zeal to advance your kingdom and righteousness and offer to all who can hear the only hope this world has: The Lord Jesus Christ, your begotten Son. We thank you that you have rescued us from the land of bondage and sin and redeemed us from slavery. We thank you for feeding us and reminding us weekly of your favor and love. We thank you that you do not treat us as our sins deserve. Therefore, Father, help us walk in your ways resting on your eternal and divine providence, knowing that you will bring your people safely to their eternal home. These things we pray for in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 11, 2021

Prayer: We thank you, Almighty God, for the kind and loving provision you give to your people each day. We pray, "give us this day our daily bread," and we see you answer that prayer each day by giving to us what we need and more. We enjoy your bountiful blessing, not receiving what we deserve but receiving what we do not deserve. We thank you for our homes, transportation, friends, family, and many other things. We confess that we are often thankless and forget to pray with hearts of gratitude for the many ways you care for us. Forgive us, Father. Please help us live lives with a thankful frame towards you, our God who provides abundantly for us.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 10, 2021

Prayer: Almighty God and Father in heaven, we praise you that you are holy -- the thrice-holy God. Though your ways are far above our ways, and your glory far exceeds all that you have made, you are pleased to condescend to help and aid your fallen creatures. In Christ, we have been given a sure and steadfast hope knowing that our High Priest has gone through the heavens laboring, serving, and praying for his people. We thank you for the comfort that brings to us pitiful servants of dust. We know that we are unprofitable servants on our best day, yet you are pleased to use us and help us. We confess to you, Father, that we often forget to live each moment to your glory. We easily forget that we were made to honor and adore you in everything that we do. Please forgive us and help us. We thank you for the gracious provision of your Spirit, who guides, instructs, and watches each step we take. We thank you that you direct our paths. Please do so today. Please remember your promises to your people and bless us we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 9, 2021

Prayer: Our God in heaven: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we thank you and praise you for a new day ordained by you and pray that we would use it for your glory. We are thankful that your faithfulness to us is not dependent on our faithfulness to you. You have told us that your mercies are new to us each morning and your faithfulness to us will never end. We are ashamed of how often we wander from your commands. We are accurately described as sheep because we stray from the Good Shepherd of our souls and seek rest in pastures that prove unhelpful to us. We know that your sheep hear your voice and follow you. We know that your voice is heard in your Word. Therefore, Father, please help us to listen carefully to the voice of the Shepherd. Please help us to drink deeply from the well that will never run dry. Grant to us a greater hunger for your Word and a deeper desire to do all that we hear, read, and study. We know that there is nothing we will ever understand if your Holy Spirit does not help us, guide us, and teach us. Please help us and be merciful to us we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Monday with Calvin: A Daily Prayer for November 8, 2021

All look unto you, O Lord; and you give them their meat in due season; that you give them they gather: you open your hand, and they are filled with all things in abundance (Ps. 104:27.)
O Lord, in whom is the source and inexhaustible fountain of all good things, pour out your blessing upon us, and sanctify to our use the meat and drink which are the gifts of your kindness toward us, that we, using them soberly and frugally as you enjoin, may eat with a pure conscience.
Grant, also, that we may always both with true heartfelt gratitude acknowledge, and with our lips proclaim, you our Father and the giver of all good, and, while enjoying bodily nourishment, aspire with special longing of heart after the bread of your doctrine, by which our souls may be nourished in the hope of eternal life, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, November 7, 2021

Prayer: Grant almighty God that we, as your redeemed people you have loved from before there was anything made, would be pleased to do all your holy will today. We thank you that your love for us has no end, even as it had no beginning. Each day, that love is demonstrated to us as you guide, protect, lead, and deliver us. As a Good Shepherd, you lead us to those green pastures and those dark valleys. Yet, we have no reason to fear because you are with us. As our Father, you rescued us when we were strangers and aliens -- when we were orphans. It was when we were most miserable in the affliction of our sins that you visited us, setting before us an example that we, too, should be a people who care for the hurting and dying of this world. Forgive us, Father, for being so self-absorbed and consumed with our own lives that we miss those opportunities to show your love to the weak, hurting, and forgotten of our world. Forgive us for neglecting hospitality -- kindness to strangers. Forgive us for not emulating your kindness to others. Please grant us a better understanding of your eternal love moving us to show that love to the outcasts in this world. These things we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 6, 2021

Prayer: Grant almighty God that we, as your people, called out of the world and set apart to live holy lives before you would not deceive our hearts about our standing with you, but, instead, deal honestly with our eternal standing. We look intently into your Word and note that a mark of one who is genuinely godly and religious is that they control their tongue. Your Spirit teaches us that how we use our words reflects our hearts. We confess to you that our hearts are often far from you and, therefore, our words often fail to meet the standard established by your holy Word. Forgive us, Father, for how often we use our tongue for destructive and wicked ends. We sow discord. We gossip and slander others made in your image. We complain about our circumstances and grumble at your sovereign right to rule over us. With our tongues, we curse others and do not bless. We discourage, demean, and ruin reputations and otherwise use our words to hurt instead of heal. Forgive us, Father, for the many ways in which we fall short of your commands in this area. WE are ashamed at how careless we often are with our words. We misuse the gift of communication and, instead, use it for evil. Please grant us self-control and grant that we would erect a muzzle over our mouths. Please grant us pure hearts that we might not sin against you. These things we pray for in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
Daily Prayer for November 5, 2021

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you that you are a God that hears your people when they pray. Unlike the dead idols of Israel that your people often ran to and bowed before and pleaded with, you hear your people, and you can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything we ask or images. Sadly, however, like the church of old, we often set our affections and hopes on things that will never satisfy. We trust in riches, princes, people, things, and promises of others instead of placing our hope and life in your hands, serving you with zeal and love. Our minds are often on the things of this world and not on the things above. Forgive us, Father. Forgive us for going astray so quickly and for wandering from your ways. Forgive us for not seeking first your kingdom and righteousness. Please help us love you with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill