Daily Prayer for November 18, 2021

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, you alone are holy and deserving of our praise, love, adoration, and worship. As your redeemed people, we have given up all rights to our lives and have been called by you to serve you as living sacrifices. We thank you that you rescued us from a life of misery brought on by sin. Though we still live in a fallen world, we do not live like those without hope as we cling to the promise of the New Heavens and the New Earth. We look forward with great expectation to the day when our faith will be sight, and we will be our Savior. Until then, Father, please continue to work in us a greater love and zeal for you and your Word. Your Word is life to our weary souls, and through it, you tell us all that we need to live to your glory in this world. Please help us and sustain us and cause us to remain free from the stain of this world being conformed daily to your image. 

We ask you that you would be pleased to bless and help your church wherever she may be found. We pray that you would protect her from the efforts and schemes of the evil one. We know that he works day and night tirelessly to ruin and destroy your church, but we know that the gates of hell will never prevail against it. Therefore, holy Father, watch over and bless your people, guiding them to that place promised by you. Bless and help your weary and struggling people and bring them to the one who gives rest and comfort for their souls. All of these things we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 29; Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 1-:31; Matt. 16:18

prayerWilliam Hill