Daily Prayer for November 12, 2021

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you for the great privilege to commune with the sovereign God of heaven and earth. You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Oh, Lord, we live in difficult and trying times. Though we know that nothing is new under the sun, we also know that sin has wrecked all that you have made and called good. We grieve at the state of our world and country. We see men, made in your image, professing and boasting to be wise, yet their rebellion against you only proves their foolishness. We know that this world is a mess because of sin, and we are ashamed that we, as your people, are still prone to sin and sinful behaviors. We are thankful to you that you are a God who delights in the forgiveness of sin. Yet, we long for the day when sin will be no more -- when we will no longer feel its effects and languish in it. Therefore, holy Father, we pray that you would grant us a great desire to follow you, being the church militant, until that day when we are the church at rest. Please grant us a greater zeal to advance your kingdom and righteousness and offer to all who can hear the only hope this world has: The Lord Jesus Christ, your begotten Son. We thank you that you have rescued us from the land of bondage and sin and redeemed us from slavery. We thank you for feeding us and reminding us weekly of your favor and love. We thank you that you do not treat us as our sins deserve. Therefore, Father, help us walk in your ways resting on your eternal and divine providence, knowing that you will bring your people safely to their eternal home. These things we pray for in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 46; Eccl. 1:4-11; Gen. 1:27; Rom. 1:18-23; Is. 43; Ex. 12, 14

prayerWilliam Hill