Daily Prayer for November 11, 2021

Prayer: We thank you, Almighty God, for the kind and loving provision you give to your people each day. We pray, "give us this day our daily bread," and we see you answer that prayer each day by giving to us what we need and more. We enjoy your bountiful blessing, not receiving what we deserve but receiving what we do not deserve. We thank you for our homes, transportation, friends, family, and many other things. We confess that we are often thankless and forget to pray with hearts of gratitude for the many ways you care for us. Forgive us, Father. Please help us live lives with a thankful frame towards you, our God who provides abundantly for us. 

Today we pray for our friends and loved ones that do not know you. We grieve at their lost condition and know that they are without hope in the world without your saving mercy. We know that you are a God who delights in the forgiveness of sin, so we plead with you to work in the minds and hearts of those dear to us. We ask that you would be pleased to rescue their souls from eternal death and place them in your family. All of these things we pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: 1 Thess 5:18; Phil. 4:6; Ps. 106:1; Micah 7:18

prayerWilliam Hill