Daily Prayer for November 10, 2021

Prayer: Almighty God and Father in heaven, we praise you that you are holy -- the thrice-holy God. Though your ways are far above our ways, and your glory far exceeds all that you have made, you are pleased to condescend to help and aid your fallen creatures. In Christ, we have been given a sure and steadfast hope knowing that our High Priest has gone through the heavens laboring, serving, and praying for his people. We thank you for the comfort that brings to us pitiful servants of dust. We know that we are unprofitable servants on our best day, yet you are pleased to use us and help us. We confess to you, Father, that we often forget to live each moment to your glory. We easily forget that we were made to honor and adore you in everything that we do. Please forgive us and help us. We thank you for the gracious provision of your Spirit, who guides, instructs, and watches each step we take. We thank you that you direct our paths. Please do so today. Please remember your promises to your people and bless us we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Is. 6; Heb. 4:14-16; Lk. 17:10; 1 Cor. 10:31 

prayerWilliam Hill