The Morning Devotional: WSC Q102

Q. 102. What do we pray for in the second petition?
A. In the second petition, which is, Thy kingdom come,” we pray, that Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed; and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced, ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it; and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened.

Matt. 6:10; Ps. 68:1, 18; Rev. 12:10-11; 2 Thess. 3:1; Rom. 10:1; John 17:9,20; Rev. 22:20.

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The Morning Deovtional: WSC Q100

Q. 100. What doth the preface of the Lord’s Prayer teach us?
A. The preface of the Lord’s Prayer, which is, Our Father which art in heaven,” teacheth us to draw near to God with all holy reverence and confidence, as children to a father, able and ready to help us; and that we should pray with and for others.

Matt. 6:9; Rom. 8:15; Luke 11:13; Acts 12:5; 1 Tim. 2:1-2.

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Worship Preparation Guide for April 17, 2022

DOWNLOAD the Apr. 17th Worship Guide (PDF)

April 17, 2022 | 2 PM

Call to Worship: Psalm 145:1-3, 21 (Responsively)
Confession of Faith: Westminster Larger Catechism Q51-52
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

#145C I Will Extol You, O My God
#360 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
#369 Worship Christ, the Risen King!

Sermon: Matthew 28:1-15 (Two Responses to the Empty Tomb)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What roles do the people in the narrative play? The women, the guards, the angel of the Lord, Jesus, the chief priests, and the elders? Which of these believed the message of the empty tomb and which one didn't?

  2. Why is the resurrection theologically necessary to the historic Christian faith? Consider 1 Cor. 15:13-15, 17, 19.

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Daily Prayer for April 15, 2022

Prayer: O God, consider our groanings and give ear to our words of supplication and cries, for we live in a sinful and wicked generation that dishonors you and harms your people. Wickedness is all around us, Lord. You alone know our frame and how much this causes us to fear and tremble at times. As our sympathetic high priest, you understand our trials and how the world rebels against you. Because of the trials of this life and the rebellion of men, we turn to you, our God in heaven, with confidence that you will hear us and answer us according to your perfect will. Therefore, we order our prayer around that which your Word tells us as it reveals to us something of your nature and how you love, protect, and guard your people. Therefore, we can rejoice as we take refuge in you. You bless the righteous and care for those whom your Son redeemed. You cover us as with a shield in a world living opposed to your Word and ways. Therefore, Father, we pray for your people today and ask that you would stand as a ready guard over them. We ask that you remember your promises to them and be faithful to them as they move through this day. We ask that you would give favor to your people in the eyes of their bosses, spouses, children, friends, and loved ones. We pray that you would remind them that they are blessed when the world opposes them because they name the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please be willing to comfort them today, encouraging them with your Word. These things we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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prayerWilliam Hill
The Morning Devotional: WLC Q175 (Part Three)

Q. 175. What is the duty of Christians, after they have received the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper?
A. The duty of Christians, after they have received the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, is seriously to consider how they have behaved themselves therein, and with what success; if they find quickening and comfort, to bless God for it, beg the continuance of it, watch against relapses, fulfill their vows, and encourage themselves to a frequent attendance on that ordinance: but if they find no present benefit, more exactly to review their preparation to, and carriage at, the Sacrament; in both which, if they can approve themselves to God and their own consciences, they are to wait for the fruit of it in due time: but, if they see that they have failed in either, they are to be humbled, and to attend upon it afterward with more care and diligence.

Ps. 28:7; Ps. 85:8; 1 Cor. 11:17, 30-31; 2 Chr. 30:21-23, 25-26; Acts 2:42, 46-47; Ps. 36:10; Song of Songs 3:4; 1 Chr. 29:18; 1 Cor. 10:3-5, 12; Ps. 1:14; 1 Cor. 11:25-26; Acts 2:42, 46; Song of Songs 5:1-6; Ecc. 5:1-6; Ps. 73:1-2; Ps. 42:5, 8; Ps. 43:3-5; 2 Chr. 30:18-19; Isa. 1:16, 18; 2 Cor. 7:11; 1 Chr. 15:12-14.

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Daily Prayer for April 14, 2022

Prayer: Our God in heaven, you who are the thrice-holy God and the maker of all things visible and invisible, we come to praise you and thank you for your many mercies and acts of loving-kindness that you show your redeemed people each day. As we read your Word, we lament the brevity of our lives. All is vanity, proclaims the preacher. What do we gain from our constant toil? A generation goes, and a generation comes. The sun rises, and the sun goes down. The wind blows to the south and goes around to the north. What has been is what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun. We confess that we often place too much stock in our own lives. We forget that we are but dust, that we are a vapor that is here today and gone tomorrow. Like a flower that quickly fades are the days of our lives. We are here today, and we are gone tomorrow. We confess a dreadful arrogance in thinking that we are as important as we boast. We toil. We labor. We witness the sun rising and setting. We see another day, and then we watch it quickly pass away. Our lives move swiftly through the corridor of time, and we forget that the end of the matter is this: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is our duty before you. Forgive us, Father, for our arrogance and pride. Forgive us for failing to remember our primary duty to honor you with everything we do, think, and say. We thank you for not treating us as we deserve. Though you know our frame, you are patient with us, ever leading us in the paths of righteousness for your Name's sake. Therefore, holy Father, be pleased today to help us strive after godliness and holiness, and may we offer our lives as living sacrifices before you.

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prayerWilliam Hill
The Morning Devotional: Psalm 28 (Special Edition)

To you, O Lord, I call;
my rock, be not deaf to me,
lest, if you be silent to me,
I become like those who go down to the pit.
2 Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy,
when I cry to you for help,
when I lift up my hands
toward your most holy sanctuary.

3 Do not drag me off with the wicked,
with the workers of evil,
who speak peace with their neighbors
while evil is in their hearts.
4 Give to them according to their work
and according to the evil of their deeds;
give to them according to the work of their hands;
render them their due reward.
5 Because they do not regard the works of the Lord
or the work of his hands,
he will tear them down and build them up no more.

6 Blessed be the Lord!
For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy.
7 The Lord is my strength and my shield;
in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exults,
and with my song I give thanks to him.

8 The Lord is the strength of his people;
he is the saving refuge of his anointed.
9 Oh, save your people and bless your heritage!
Be their shepherd and carry them forever.

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The Morning Devotional: WLC Q175 (Part Two)

Q. 175. What is the duty of Christians, after they have received the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper?
A. The duty of Christians, after they have received the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, is seriously to consider how they have behaved themselves therein, and with what success; if they find quickening and comfort, to bless God for it, beg the continuance of it, watch against relapses, fulfill their vows, and encourage themselves to a frequent attendance on that ordinance: but if they find no present benefit, more exactly to review their preparation to, and carriage at, the Sacrament; in both which, if they can approve themselves to God and their own consciences, they are to wait for the fruit of it in due time: but, if they see that they have failed in either, they are to be humbled, and to attend upon it afterward with more care and diligence.

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The Morning Devotional: WLC Q175 (Part One)

Q. 175. What is the duty of Christians, after they have received the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper?
A. The duty of Christians, after they have received the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, is seriously to consider how they have behaved themselves therein, and with what success; if they find quickening and comfort, to bless God for it, beg the continuance of it, watch against relapses, fulfill their vows, and encourage themselves to a frequent attendance on that ordinance: but if they find no present benefit, more exactly to review their preparation to, and carriage at, the Sacrament; in both which, if they can approve themselves to God and their own consciences, they are to wait for the fruit of it in due time: but, if they see that they have failed in either, they are to be humbled, and to attend upon it afterward with more care and diligence.

Ps. 28:7; Ps. 85:8; 1 Cor. 11:17, 30-31; 2 Chr. 30:21-23, 25-26; Acts 2:42, 46-47; Ps. 36:10; Song of Songs 3:4; 1 Chr. 29:18; 1 Cor. 10:3-5, 12; Ps. 1:14; 1 Cor. 11:25-26; Acts 2:42, 46; Song of Songs 5:1-6; Ecc. 5:1-6; Ps. 73:1-2; Ps. 42:5, 8; Ps. 43:3-5; 2 Chr. 30:18-19; Isa. 1:16, 18; 2 Cor. 7:11; 1 Chr. 15:12-14.

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