Daily Prayer for April 15, 2022

Prayer: O God, consider our groanings and give ear to our words of supplication and cries, for we live in a sinful and wicked generation that dishonors you and harms your people. Wickedness is all around us, Lord. You alone know our frame and how much this causes us to fear and tremble at times. As our sympathetic high priest, you understand our trials and how the world rebels against you. Because of the trials of this life and the rebellion of men, we turn to you, our God in heaven, with confidence that you will hear us and answer us according to your perfect will. Therefore, we order our prayer around that which your Word tells us as it reveals to us something of your nature and how you love, protect, and guard your people. Therefore, we can rejoice as we take refuge in you. You bless the righteous and care for those whom your Son redeemed. You cover us as with a shield in a world living opposed to your Word and ways. Therefore, Father, we pray for your people today and ask that you would stand as a ready guard over them. We ask that you remember your promises to them and be faithful to them as they move through this day. We ask that you would give favor to your people in the eyes of their bosses, spouses, children, friends, and loved ones. We pray that you would remind them that they are blessed when the world opposes them because they name the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please be willing to comfort them today, encouraging them with your Word. These things we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 5; Matt. 5:11-12

prayerWilliam Hill