Daily Prayer for April 14, 2022

Prayer: Our God in heaven, you who are the thrice-holy God and the maker of all things visible and invisible, we come to praise you and thank you for your many mercies and acts of loving-kindness that you show your redeemed people each day. As we read your Word, we lament the brevity of our lives. All is vanity, proclaims the preacher. What do we gain from our constant toil? A generation goes, and a generation comes. The sun rises, and the sun goes down. The wind blows to the south and goes around to the north. What has been is what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun. We confess that we often place too much stock in our own lives. We forget that we are but dust, that we are a vapor that is here today and gone tomorrow. Like a flower that quickly fades are the days of our lives. We are here today, and we are gone tomorrow. We confess a dreadful arrogance in thinking that we are as important as we boast. We toil. We labor. We witness the sun rising and setting. We see another day, and then we watch it quickly pass away. Our lives move swiftly through the corridor of time, and we forget that the end of the matter is this: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is our duty before you. Forgive us, Father, for our arrogance and pride. Forgive us for failing to remember our primary duty to honor you with everything we do, think, and say. We thank you for not treating us as we deserve. Though you know our frame, you are patient with us, ever leading us in the paths of righteousness for your Name's sake. Therefore, holy Father, be pleased today to help us strive after godliness and holiness, and may we offer our lives as living sacrifices before you.

We pray that you will bless us and strengthen us today. We pray for those weary souls who struggle with the effects of the fall and sin in this world. We ask that you would be kind and gracious to them and help them. We pray for your ministers, laboring to prepare a bounty for your people as they read and study. We ask that you help them as they deal with many issues, counsel many people, and seek to guide them through the twists and turns of this life. We pray that you would uphold their minds and souls and strengthen them for the task you have given them. We ask that you help them not to grow weary of doing good. Finally, we pray for your people that they would follow those faithful ministers as they follow Christ and listen intently to the preached Word that can save their souls. These things we commit to you, our God, knowing that you will hear and will answer according to your perfect will for your people through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Eccl. 1; 12:13; Jas. 4:14; 1 Cor. 10:31; Gal. 6:9

prayerWilliam Hill