Posts in bible reading
The Basics of the Christian Life

Another new year is upon us, and if you are anything like me, you take the time to reflect on the previous year and make plans and goals for the new one. In some sense, this time of the year allows you to hit the "reset" button on your lives and adjust what needs to be changed related to your families, your relationship with Christ, and other essential matters. It is the second item, your relationship with Christ, that I want to focus on briefly, especially related to the fundamentals of the Christian life.

The basics are very important. If you watch sports, you will notice that when athletes competing at the highest level are in a tight spot and the game is on the line that their fundamentals are what gets them that hit that is needed or golf shot within feet of the hole, or the important pass to win the game. So much depends on the basics – the fundamentals. It is no different in the Christian life.

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Bible Reading and Devotional Planner 2022

Starting on January 2022, I will be writing a brief devotional each day of the week covering a Bible Reading Plan that I have developed. My goal is to see the members of the church engage in concerted Bible Reading and study over the next year. The plan will look as follows:

January 1:
Genesis 1 | Matthew 1
January 2
Genesis 2 | Matthew 2

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bible readingWilliam Hill
Key Bible Passages from Exodus

Exodus 1 -- The people of God are located in Egypt under a Pharaoh that did not know Joseph.
Exodus 3 -- Moses is called by YHWH at the burning bush and commissioned to lead the people out of Egypt.
Exodus 7-11 -- The nine plagues/signs of YHWH.
Exodus 12 -- The institution of the Passover and the tenth plague/sign.
Exodus 14-- The crossing of the Red Sea

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Key Bible Passages from Genesis

Introduction to the series
As I was driving to the church this morning, I listened to a podcast that prompted the idea of putting together a catalog of key passages of Scripture that every Christian should know and, perhaps, memorize. My goal is to provide such a catalog listed by the book of the Bible. Therefore, each entry will be a particular book of the Bible, beginning with Genesis. At the conclusion, I will collate the entire series into a PDF document for distribution. The structure of these entries will be as follows: First, the chapter will be listed with a brief description. Second, a key verse or verse will be offered to encourage Scripture memorization. If a reader marries the understanding of the chapter with the key verse, it will provide a ready reference of the main material in Scripture. I intend to produce one or two of these entries each week.

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