Key Bible Passages from Exodus


Exodus 1 -- The people of God are located in Egypt under a Pharaoh that did not know Joseph.
Exodus 3 -- Moses is called by YHWH at the burning bush and commissioned to lead the people out of Egypt.
Exodus 7-11 -- The nine plagues/signs of YHWH.
Exodus 12 -- The institution of the Passover and the tenth plague/sign.
Exodus 14-- The crossing of the Red Sea
Exodus 15 -- The Song of Moses
Exodus 16-17 -- The giving of manna and water.
Exodus 20 - The giving of the moral Law of God at Mt. Sinai.
Exodus 25-31 -- Instructions regarding the Tabernacle and the priesthood.
Exodus 32 - The Golden Calf.
Exodus 40 -- The Tabernacle is erected.