Key Bible Passages from Genesis



Introduction to the series
As I was driving to the church this morning, I listened to a podcast that prompted the idea of putting together a catalog of key passages of Scripture that every Christian should know and, perhaps, memorize. My goal is to provide such a catalog listed by the book of the Bible. Therefore, each entry will be a particular book of the Bible, beginning with Genesis. At the conclusion, I will collate the entire series into a PDF document for distribution. The structure of these entries will be as follows: First, the chapter will be listed with a brief description. Second, a key verse or verse will be offered to encourage Scripture memorization. If a reader marries the understanding of the chapter with the key verse, it will provide a ready reference of the main material in Scripture. I intend to produce one or two of these entries each week. 


Gen. 1 -- The creation of the world and universe and all things seen and unseen. Key verses: Gen. 1:1, 27.
Gen. 3 -- The fall of mankind and the promise of a Redeemer. Key verse: Gen. 3:15.
Gen. 6-9 -- Noah and the Flood narrative. Key verses: Gen. 8:20-22.
Gen. 11 -- The Tower of Babel (Babylon). Key verse: Gen. 11:9.
Gen. 12 -- The call of Abram. Key verses: Gen. 12:1-3.
Gen. 15 -- God's covenant with Abram Key verses: Gen. 17:17-21.
Gen. 17 -- God's covenant sign of circumcision. Key verses: Gen. 17:10-12
Gen. 22 -- God's command to sacrifice Isaac and the provision of a substitute. Key verses: Gen. 22:7-8, 14
Gen. 35 -- God blesses Jacob and renames him. Key verse: Gen. 35:9-9-13
Gen. 39 -- Joseph in the land of Egypt serving in Potiphar's house. Key verse: Gen. 39:9
Gen. 50 -- Joseph and his brothers and the recognition of God's providence for all of them. Key verse: Gen. 50:20