Posts in bible reading
Bible Reading in 2025-2026

As Christians living in this day and age, we should be very thankful for the ubiquitous nature of God’s Word. We have it in the mediums of audio and print. God has been very gracious to the church to ensure that we have the very Word of God in our language. In his wisdom, God ensured we would have the Bible for the church's edification. As the Westminster Confession of Faith, 1..1 states:

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Bible Knowledge Project: John 3

Read: John 3

John 3 is perhaps one of the most known chapters in the gospel of John. It is here that a religious leader comes to inquire of the Savior. In an odd turn of events, Jesus redirects the discussion to that which is most needful: the necessity of being born again. On two occasions in the dialogue, Jesus tells Nicodemus that he cannot see or understand matters related to the Kingdom of God unless he is "born again" (3:3, 7). Literally, the phrase is "born from above." The idea is that fallen people, lost in their sin and dead to sin, cannot and will not see the Kingdom of God unless the Spirit of God gives them "birth" (new life). The means of this new birth are contained within the sovereign will and action of God the Holy Spirit. Although Nicodemus, as a law teacher, should know and understand these things, he is confused by the expression, although Jesus goes to great lengths to explain it.

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Bible Knowledge Project: John 2

Chapter Two contains two sections. The first (2:1-12) highlights the first sign that Jesus performed (2:11), demonstrating his glory. The main point of the miracle is to highlight that better has come to the people of God in the coming of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Although the Old Testament pointed to Christ in everything, it was a mere type and shadow of the substance (the old wine). Now, the new wine has come represented by the coming of the Savior. He is the fulfillment of all that the Old Testament said.

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bible readingWilliam Hill