Intensive Bible Reading Plan

Most Christians have some Bible reading plan that they follow. There are many good plans available. The important part is that you are reading God’s Word daily. A Bible reading plan is a tool, nothing more and nothing less. I have found that reading the Bible in large chunks is very helpful. That allows me to read the Bible many times each year, noting the overarching theme and structure of the Word of God and noting facts, people, places, and various events and circumstances through the biblical record. It has benefited me greatly in preaching and teaching. I commend that idea to you. 

As a result, I have developed an intensive Bible reading plan. The plan is not dated (I dislike it because it usually brings unnecessary anxiety, especially when I fall behind). If the plan is followed, the Bible can be read thrice yearly. It is intensive, but as has been observed, the Bible can be read in roughly 72 hours (if you did it in one sitting). 

I offer this plan to you. Please let me know if you find any mistakes, and I will fix them.